You must behave in a manner that is consistent with our Code of conduct for Support Workers.

Code of Conduct for Support Workers

Respect and dignity

  • Treat cared clients with respect and dignity. This extends to the family members and representatives of cared clients.
  • Provide care and support in a way that is sensitive to the culture, religion and background of the cared client and their family members or representatives.
  • Provide care and support ian a safe and ethical manner, free from discrimination, harassment, abuse and exploitation.
  • Ensure that consent for the care and support you are providing has been lawfully obtained from the cared client, or their representative.


  • Act professionally and in the best interests of the cared clients at all times.
  • Report, to the relevant authority, any concerns you may have about another care or support worker placing a cared client at serious risk of harm.
  • Maintain any written records or notes in an accurate, timely and legible manner.
  • If an adverse event occurs, take appropriate and timely action, to minimise harm to the cared client and any other individual involved. This may include having appropriate first aid available, contacting emergency services and reporting the event to the relevant authority.
  • Maintain and update relevant competencies including police checks, qualifications, registrations.


  • Act ethically and honestly at all times when providing care and support or engaging with a cared client.
  • Do not misinform or misrepresent regarding the services they can provide, qualifications, training or professional affiliations to the cared client.
  • Do not provide care or support while under the influence of alcohol or unlawful substances.

Conflicts of interest and financial exploitation

  • Do not financially exploit the cared client. This includes accepting gifts as part of care or support arrangement, or asking the cared client to give, lend or bequeath money or gifts to benefit (directly or indirectly) the care or support worker
  • Do not engage in behaviour of a sexual nature with the cared client
  • Do not engage in a sexual or other inappropriate close personal, physical or emotional relationship with a cared client.

Health and Safety

  • Provide care and support in a safe manner and with regard to any relevant standards and legislation.
  • Act with due diligence with regard to all parties involved, including the cared client and care and support workers.


  • Keep confidential any personal and health related information of the cared client.
  • Comply with any relevant privacy legislation around health records including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and any relevant state or territory legislation.

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